Sunday, March 27, 2005

Sorry guys.......

Sorry peeps, tat i didnt update my blog often..........i guess i m not a person who wanna talk too much of my personal life ba.......

maybe just wanna say....i finally let go.....n moved on.....DAMM does it always have to take so long...........??
Concentrating on wat is important to me, making money !! Well at least money wont make me sad.....

Felt so lousy on Good friday clubbing nite.....dread whynot so much.....guess its another cycle of "clubbing tiredness".

But hey....saturday was ok. Maybe i felt better. But why everyone else got someone else's number.....n i have none? haha... left on the shelves le ba? Doesnt matter.... i know i m active elsewhere (other then club) can liao.

Thinking one day....wat if i m not wanted at all anymore? Hope some of u guys tat r watching this blog will still be my frens.....till death do us apart. I guess tats cool enuff liao ba.

Fire....gambatte ok!

Wah..........say don talk so much......end up typing so much........wat is this. Must stop liao. kakaka.


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